Kia Ora,
My name is Shane Reynolds and this is Luna Tackle.
My passion is the outdoors: fishing, diving, boating and gathering kai moana. My best memories are always about fishing. Years of fishing experience and great fishing mates have honed my skills and fashioned lasting friendships along the way.
Being born and raised in Hamilton put two special places in my sights - Kawhia's ocean beach and Raglan’s Ruapuke beach. There, huge snapper darted about behind the constantly pounding waves begging to be caught. There was mullet netting, floundering, spearing patikis by torchlight, catching Kahawai, trevally, and massive kingfish stirred the adrenalin.
Spring signalled the dusting down of the whitebait nets and had us heading into the upper reaches of the Kawhia and Raglan harbours. Old paint and ice-cream containers came back full to the brim with that white gold. Fritters followed cooked by the Legendary “Patiki” Pete Kerapa.
Who could forget the bar crossings that Gavin and I had in his trusty Stabicraft, ‘Maximus’. We turned as white as the surf itself in those West Coast harbour entrances. We knew that once clear we were safe and the fishing that awaited us would be second to none.
Thanks to my old mate Bill Ferguson, aka Stingray we made it over the Raglan bar on many occasions. Stingray always got the big ones, landing snapper, gurnard and kingies, pulling skirts for marlin and tuna.
Graham, G-man, known locally as the Kawhia Mafia also had the Aotea crossing well and truly sorted. His weapon of choice was a Surtees Workmate 5.5. Our anthem ‘Enter Sandman’ would be playing with the speakers cranked up and pumping as a few karakias went down before we attempted some of those crossings.
I also ventured north to master the art of land-based kingfish and snapper fishing. I got permission from a few farmers whose land backed onto the sea. A crate of Waikato, Lion Red beer or venison, cheapest ticket to fishing heaven and we had it all to ourselves. There would be massive snapper, trevally and kingfish cruising about in the burley trail at our feet. Once we had the privilege of watching a marlin chase, descale and eat a kahawai.
We camped, then fished till we dropped. Indeed, there have been many milestones and treasured memories that involved valued mates, some who are gone, but not forgotten.
The years have honed and sharpened up my fishing methods, techniques, and styles, but my core fishing traditions have always remained strong.
Luna tackle is an idea created by a group of fishing friends, our own brand and style of lures, ones that catch fish while giving fishermen other options instead of bait-style fishing.
Luna Tackle embodies our shared passion and excitement for fishing with a commitment to craft products that create lasting memories and unforgettable fishing moments.
Happy hunting
Shane Reynolds